Friday, June 30, 2006


Hi there! Im Jason, and Welcome to the Puch Moped Visual Vocabulary website. I made this site because it took me a very long time to figure out what parts are what, what they look like, and what they are called. This is for everyone who were in my shoes, and who thought that a piston is a carburetor! Here are just a few pictures of parts that are in a Puch Maxi moped. A very breif explanation of the main parts. Whenever I come across a part that I dont know the name of it, I will post a pic. Hopfully this site will help someone out..

Here are some useful links: Online store for ordering moped parts. online parts store. Discussion forum of mopeds; very useful website.

Video Clips:

Video: Carb Cleaning- Video showing how to clean the Carburetor.

Video: Carb Pieces- Shows the insides of the Carburetor.

Video: Carb Re-assembly- Shows how to put the pieces back together.


The Carburetor

This is the Puch Bing carburetor. Usually come in sizes 12mm and 14mm as well as the intake manifolds (see pic), but they are often upgradeable..The carburetor is very important. It has several jets that are important for the mopeds overall performance. The carburetor deals with the gas and air of the engine. For a better diagram, and where you can buy one, Click here!

Engine Pics

This is a puch E50 engine, 1 speed.

A Broken Piston

If your piston looks like this, then its not good! lol! This was mine before i got a new one.

The Piston

This is the puch piston. It has two rings on the outside, and two pins, on the side, in a tube which you cant see. This goes inside the cylinder, and is attached to the crankshaft.

The Cylinder

This is what part of the cylinder looks like. There should be two pieces, and they connect together. The actual cylinder is a hollow tube (should be silver) inside the two attaches peices. The piston goes intside the cylinder (the hollow silver tube). The picture in the middle shows the two pieces connected together. Inside those pieces is the piston.

The Clutch Cable

This is the end of the clutch cable. Its connected to the clutch lever, which, when pulled down (after its attached to the clutch arm), moves the clutch arm towards the front of the bike. The lever should be located on the handle bars.

The Clutch Arm

What my finger is pointing to is the clutch arm. The clutch arm enables a moped to start, essentially...the clutch cable attaches to the clutch arm.

The Points

The points on the puch maxi moped are located inside the flywheel. Its hard to see the points in the picture because the flywheel in still on. To take the flywheel off, you need a flywheel puller, which can be bought at most auto stores. I dont have one, so i took the best pic that i could. Its that small silver piece that the light is shining on. To see what they look like, go here: points They have a small gap that open and close, this helps create spark to ignite the moped.

The Flywheel or "Magneto"

This is the flywheel of the moped, its often called the megneto. Its the round grey peice with 3 large holes that's above the exhaust (the silver pipe). This piece spins very fast while the moped is running. Usually there is a metal cover, covering the flywheel.

The Frame

This is the frame of the puch moped. There are no cables attached, no engine, no brakes, no wires, nothing. Its just a hunk of metal.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Ignition Coil

Looks like this. Can ya see it? Its that black thing with the metal around it. It channels the electricity from the stator plate to the spark plug. And although the moped its on is not a puch, it looks exactly the same.

The Stator Plate

This is the thingy thats under the flywheel (magneto). Its what makes the spark for the moped. As you can see, the points are there, the copper coils, and wires. To make a long story short, when electical current starts from the coils there, and travel though the colorful wires, which lead to the ignition coil.